My How Fast They Grow Up
On the left
is a picture of Gabriel at 7 weeks, and on the right is him again at 15
weeks. That's an 8 week difference. And believe me
when I tell you, a lot of trainning takes place during that time - at
least it better - if you want to have a well mannered dog,
not only will obey you, but likes you too.
These are the
formable years condensed down to about two to six months.
During this time there are several things that we
focus on. The priority of some take care of themselves.
For instance, Housebreaking and sleeping through
the night become the most important because your sanity dependends on
Click on the following links for the details on
each of these subjects.
- Crate
- Housebreaking
- Feeding
- Basic Commands
- Walking and Outdoor Freedoms
- Yorkie History and Breed Information
- Grooming
- Socializing